Thursday, December 13, 2012

16 Weeks

How Far Along: 16 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby J is about the size of an avocado; 4 ½ inches long

Total Weight Gain/Loss: At my appointment last week I was up 4 pounds from my first appointment, but I’m still 1 pound below where I normally am

Maternity Clothes: I can definitely tell I’m showing earlier this time, but I’m still in my normal clothes.  Often times I unbutton my pants when sitting down, so it probably won’t be much longer before I pull out all of my maternity clothes

Gender: 3 weeks! The countdown is on.  We are hoping the holidays help us pass the time

Movement: Yes!  Can you believe I actually started feeling movement around 13 weeks?  I thought I was nuts but I asked my doctor last week and she said absolutely I could be, especially since I know what the movement feels like.  It hasn’t happened often, maybe a handful of times so far. 

Sleep: Having nightly dreams, and having trouble staying asleep throughout the night.  Chloe is not helping in this department right now.  Still getting sleepy around lunch time and early evening.

What I miss:  The energy I used to have.

Cravings: I made some Rice Krispie treats last weekend and have to admit minus two pieces, I ate the entire pan!  Oops!

Symptoms: Still get queasy on occasion but it’s MUCH better than it’s been, sleepy, dreams every night, my boobs aren’t quite as sore anymore

Best Moment this week: Walking by a mirror and realizing I actually have a belly again.  This is really happening.  Now that I’m feeling better I often forget that I’m pregnant, but my growing belly has other plans and doesn’t want/let me forget anymore.


  1. Awe congratulations!! I just came across your blog! I would love for you to check out mine, maybe we can follow each other?

  2. Oh goodness! I got goosebumps reading this post! It really doesn't seem like it was that long ago that we were doing these weekly write-ups and pics about our first babies!! I can't wait to hear if Chloe will have a little brother or sister. You look great! :)

    ps. you still have the verification thing enabled on your comments for this section of your blog!

    1. I know, it doesn't seem real for sure! Thanks for letting me know about the verification, I think I have it turned off now.

  3. Awh- you look totally great. How fun to feel movement so early!

  4. Lookin' good Momma!!! And 3 weeks??? Ahhhhh!!!
