Wednesday, December 19, 2012

17 Weeks

How Far Along: 17 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby J is about the size of a turnip; 5 inches long

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Will find out at my next appointment

Maternity Clothes: Still no maternity clothes yet.  The last week we’ve been able to wear jeans to work every day so I’ve been soaking that up.  I’m sure once I go back to work after the holiday break I’ll be in some maternity pants.  I am having to wear layers on top for some of my sweaters that are a little too short.

Gender: 2 weeks! The countdown is on.  So far I think we are gonna be able to pass the time and not go too nuts thinking about it.

Movement: Yes!  I’m feeling movement at least once a day now.  The other night I was lying in bed with my hand on my stomach and felt three movements.  I called JJ in and he thought he felt it too. 

Sleep: Still having nightly dreams, but luckily we got our good sleeper back in Chloe so that is helping. 

What I miss:  Nothing

Cravings: No major cravings, but not into the frozen dinners I usually eat for lunch.  I just pretty much snack all day long.

Symptoms: Sleepy, but I think that’s about it.   

Best Moment this week: Feeling more movement and JJ thinking he felt something too.  


  1. You look awesome! How are you feeling about the baby's sex? Any idea? Is this pregnancy same or different from your last? I am so excited for you!

  2. That bump is so cute!!

    I'm glad Chloe is sleeping again that must've been hard to have a not great sleeper and be pregnant.
