Thursday, January 24, 2013

22 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 22 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby J is about the length of a spaghetti squash; 11 inches long; almost a pound

Total Weight Gain/Loss: guessing probably around 7 pounds

Maternity Clothes: I’ve been wearing a mix of maternity pants and tops lately, but mainly because I desperately need to do laundry (see, I told you I hate doing laundry – what am I thinking getting into the world of cloth diapers???)

Gender: Boy!

Movement: Yep, it’s a regular occurrence now but I look forward to feeling even stronger movements.  They are to the point now though where I can see my belly move.

Sleep: Sleep was a little better this past week.  I slept on the couch once, and the guest bedroom once, but JJ was to blame for that. J  I’m most comfortable on my back propped up a little, but I do try and lay on both sides throughout the night, being careful when rolling over.

What I miss: Being able to get up quickly and not feel pain.  (This is the same as my pregnancy with Chloe).

Cravings: Brownies!  Always that sweet tooth.

Symptoms:  I was going to complain about these stomach pains I’ve been having lately and how I didn’t think they were normal, yet I looked up my update from my pregnancy with Chloe, and I wrote a whole paragraph at this point on how my stomach hurt.  So I guess it’s not all that different, but I don’t remember the pains lasting so long.  I could hardly move all day Sunday.  Laying down, standing, walking, sitting, nothing eased the pain.  I was all prepared to call the doctor on Monday and of course the pain went away.  Based on my old post, it seems as though the doc said this is normal and to expect pains and twinges due to growing.  I’m also still dealing with the dry mouth during the day and at night.  I looked it up online (mistake I know) and saw it’s a common symptom of GD.  Great.

Best Moment this week:  Adding this to Chloe’s bedtime routine – now when she gives us kisses goodnight as she’s standing in her crib, we tell her to kiss the baby and she kisses my belly.  So sweet!!


  1. Round ligament pains are definitely normal as your uterus and belly are stretching and growing. Hopefully they subside for you soon though!

    Believe me - you won't let dirty diaper laundry go more than 3 days. :)

  2. Thanks, I hope so too. They are very random, and usually last at most a few hours, but Sunday was all day. Plus it was up higher, like under my left ribcage.

    Haha, you are probably very right about not letting that laundry sit too long!! :)

  3. Look at you with your adorable baby bump! It looks so cute on you! You are one of those super adorable preggo chicks for sure! I also love your hair. I think going a little darker for the winter months was a great idea. C is going to be a wonderful big sister. Watching your 2 children together is one of the best things to ever see! It honestly brings a tear to my eyes daily. We ahven't started the bickering/fighting junk yet. I am sure it's right around the corner!
