Wednesday, January 9, 2013

20 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 20 Weeks – half way there already!!

Size of baby: Baby J is about the length of a banana; 10 inches long; 10 1/2 ounces

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 5 lbs.  Now I’m back up to my normal weight

Maternity Clothes: My new maternity clothes came in on Friday so I wore two new shirts this weekend, but I’m back in regular clothes for work.  I desperately need to wash all of my maternity clothes and get them back in my closet though.  Shirts are still fine as long as they are long enough, or I layer, but the pants are what’s too tight.

Gender: Boy!

Movement: I’m still feeling the baby move several times a day, and it usually lasts a couple minutes.  I haven’t found much of a pattern to the movements yet.  Chloe seemed to move a lot at bedtime, this baby is real random with his movements

Sleep: I’m sleeping ok, but between JJ’s snoring and my dreams, I wake up several times a night. 

What I miss: Clear skin! 

Cravings: I baked some chocolate chip cookies and have eaten my fair share of those over the last several days.  I think I might be low on iron again because I picked back up my habit of eating ice.

Symptoms:  My stomach was very tight and sore last week.  I think it was my first experience with round ligament pain because anytime I would stand up from laying or sitting down, I would get real sore and the pain would linger.  Luckily that has gone away but it had me a bit worried for how I will continue to feel as I get further along.  I also feel like I popped (maybe again) in the last week.  Pregnancy brain seems to be back too, I have been more forgetful lately.

Best Moment this week:  I was sitting on the couch with Chloe on my lap and felt the baby move.  I have no idea if she felt anything, but just the thought of my two kids so close together was pretty special.  I can’t wait until she can actually feel movement and see her face when she realizes mommy’s tummy is moving. 


  1. Looks like you and I are due right about the same time!


    ...except you look so cute pregnant,and I just feel round all over!
    You rock the bump!

  2. Moving right after the baby's born!? Hopefully the silver lining to not having a nursery set up just like you want it straight away will be that when you do move, you'll have the excitement of a new house for the set up of the new nursery! Then it will ALL feel new & fresh---not just the nursery!
