Wednesday, February 6, 2013

24 Weeks

 Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 24 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby J is about the size of an ear of corn; almost 12 inches long; just over a pound

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 12 lbs. I did confirm that at 22 weeks with Chloe I weighed one pound less than I do at this point now…but man do I feel big already!

Maternity Clothes: One of JJ’s friends from high school is coming in town from STL this weekend and bringing me some maternity clothes.  I could definitely use more of a selection!   I can still wear some regular pants, but for the most part pants are maternity.  Tops are hit and miss.  If my regular ones are long enough I can wear them, otherwise I pull out a maternity top.

Gender: Boy!

Movement: Every day.  One evening I couldn’t remember having felt him throughout the day, so I sat real still and thought about it…and sure enough, he made his presence known.  I love that.

Sleep: Not much change in this department.  I’m used to it at this point.  JJ has been staying up three nights out of the last week which is reason enough for me to stay up.  I can’t sleep when I know he’s up doing things around the house, yet I can’t sleep when he’s in bed next to me snoring.  It’s a lose-lose.  I’ve gotten up a few times in the middle of the night to go sleep in the guest bedroom.

What I miss: Being able to get up quickly without hurting. Or throw Chloe around.  I wonder if that’s part of my pain on my left side.  I always carry her on my left side, so I’ve been trying to be careful about how I pick her up, walk around with her, etc.  I just fear that I have so much further to go and it could get worse.

Cravings: Mmmm, M&M cookie bars I came across on another blog.  I’ve decided I need to bake something every week to have in the house.  At least until my glucose test at the beginning of next month (fingers crossed I pass!)

Symptoms: Yesterday I had the side pain again as I was getting ready for work.  I had to keep stopping to either bend down, or sit down but it wasn’t going away.  Strange enough as soon as I got in the car, it was gone.  I think this time around my belly button might pop out.  It didn’t last time, but it is sooooo close to doing it already.  Dry mouth continues, but maybe slightly better than previous weeks.

Best Moment this week: Really feeling the baby.  Ya know how a lot of times it’s just kicks, like a one and done movement?  But then there are times when you feel an actual body part on your side and you can reach down and touch the hard spot.  Yeah, that happened last night.  And I forgot how much I love it.  I can't wait to hold onto those little hands and feet.


  1. Whaaat?? OK, so I've clearly been missing all these posts! Totally missed the tab for this section of your blog after you posted the first one on your main page!!! How are you 24 weeks already?? When the page opened the first thing I saw was 16 weeks... then I kept scrolling and scrolling thinking that the next pic was surely the last one but NOOO it goes up to 24 weeks! Wow, I'm getting flashbacks to when these pics were of a growing Chloe! Does it seem like it's going by faster this time because it's not the 'first time' for everything? You look amazing by the way!

  2. Crazy, isn't it?? It does seem like it's going by fast, and especially on the days when I'm not feeling that great I try and remember I don't have much longer to go in the grand scheme of things, and this will be the last time I get to experience this, so I try and embrace it. It does seem a little harder on my body this time around though. Hope you guys are doing well!

  3. Congrats! You look fantastic. And boys are the best :)
