We decided to splurge again with this
pregnancy and have a 3D ultrasound done. We ended up going back to the
same place we went with Chloe because they have some of the newest
technology in the area. The lady is really nice and thorough, but
apparently we have stubborn kids. Both Chloe and this boy did not
cooperate in the least! Chloe had both her hands and her feet in front
of her face the whole time, and baby boy had his feet in front of his
face, which also meant the umbilical cord was in front of his face. He
did start off with the very first view of him with his legs way up in
the air, letting us know he is 100% boy.
didn't get the best shots, but the ones we did get were pretty amazing
quality. Here is a sample picture of what the ultrasound pictures
looked like from just two years ago with Chloe...
And here is a small sample of the ones we got with baby boy...

And here is a small sample of the ones we got with baby boy...
Sweet face - think he looks like his sister? :)

Foot in his eye
I see you!
Little smile
Poking himself in the eye with his ring finger
Kind of hard to tell here, but he's biting his lower lip
know it's sometimes hard to know what you are looking at, hopefully my
brief descriptions are clear enough. I still questioned a few of the
shots she got when she'd say, "see here's the stomach, foot, leg" and
all I was seeing was a blob. But, she's done this for 35 years and
obviously knows her stuff.Even though we didn't get as many face shots as we wanted, it was still cute watching him for an hour. He liked to keep his hands behind his head, and kept poking himself in the face with his feet. The ultrasound tech he has very little hair. The best thing that came out of our appointment was learning that he's head down! Yay!!! He is laying on his left side with his head down, butt up towards my left ribs and his feet down on my right side, if you can picture that. A little triangle. Now I'm even more anxious to meet this little guy and kiss those sweet cheeks.
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